Friday, April 24, 2015

Tender Rock Acupuncture Bellevue WA

Tender Rock Acupuncture Bellevue WA

What is Acupuncture (針灸) ?

Acupuncture is an ancient practice of medicine. It originated over 2,500 years ago. The procedure of acupuncture has been used to treat and relieve symptoms of a wide range of diseases and conditions. Some of the conditions including headache, stress management, high blood pressure, arthritis, sciatica, varies pain management, reduce chemo side effects, and Mental Health issues, such as Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia, etc.

Apart from insertion of needles, which is used of pre-sterilized, disposable acupuncture needles or lancets to directly or indirectly stimulate acupuncture point and meridians. other treatments that can go parallel with Acupuncture are:

  • Moxibustion (艾條) a soft woolly mass prepared from ground young leaves, typically in form of sticks or cones, which are ignited and placed on or close to the skin or used to heat acupuncture needles.

  • Electrical, Mechanical or Magnetic Stimulation of Acupuncture Points (電療): Using very small amounts of electricity to stimulate acupuncture points and meridians or using mechanical or magnetic devices to stimulate acupuncture points or meridians.

  • Acupressure (指壓穴位): Traditional Chinese medical massage and manual therapy.

  • Cupping (拔罐): Glass cups are placed on the skin with a vacuum created by heat or suction device. 

  • Dermal-friction Technique (Gua-sha) (刮痧): Friction is applied topically to the skin using a smooth object like ceramic spoon to relieve symptoms.  Mostly is used for common colds.
  • Infrared heat: Applying heat generated by an infrared lamp over a specific area of the body.
  • Dietary Advice and Health Education Based on East Asian Medical Theory (食療): Suggestions for nutrition and herbal food products including herbs, vitamins, minerals, and dietary and nutritional supplements.
  •  East Asian Massage and Tui-Na (推拿): Bodywork characterized by kneading, pressing, rolling, shaking, and stretching of the body.  This does not include spinal manipulation.
  • Superficial Heat and Cold Therapy (熱冷治療法): Applied heat or cold pads on the affected area if needed.
  • Liniments, Oils, and Plasters (藥膏): herbal formulas applied topically to the skin.
The tradition of acupuncture theory believes that energy flows within the human body through channels. This energy flow is called qi (氣). Acupuncture theory believes that this qi moves throughout the body along 12 main channels known as meridians (經絡). These meridians represent the major organs and functions of the body. Please understand the meridians are not followed the exact pathways like the nerves or the veins.   Please also note that the organs that we mentioned in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are not the same as the Western Medicine.
I would like to introduce another technique that I frequently used to treat varies pain and achieved very good result with it. Patient responded to it very well and it’s called Die-Da (Hit medicine) 跌打?
  • Chinese Hit Medicine  (Traumatology) - 跌打
The hit medicine originated with martial arts masters, who needed medicine to heal wounds and speed the healing of their students or combatants so they could learn more quickly, recover more quickly, and get back out to battle sooner.  It is a technique very similar with Tui-Na, which explained above but it also included herbal plaster and herbal ointment to speed up the healing process or reduce the pain.
There are varies forms of ointments that we used to achieve ideal healing. It includes:
  • Die-Da Jiu - 跌打酒
Which literally translates to “fall hit wine”. Die-Da Jiu is made from Chinese herbs that are soaked in the wine for a long time to extract out the constituents of the herbs to achieve pain relive properties.  A traditional jiu shouldn’t provide any particular sensation when being applied except slightly cooling sensation as the alcohol evaporates.  When applied the jiu, you should notice the pain is slowly disappeared.  Theory is to improve the blood circulation in the affected area.  There is a saying in Chinese- Tong Ze Bu Tong, Ze Tong Bu Tong 痛則不通 ,通則不痛 - Where there is pain there is no flow, where there is flow there is no pain.
  • Die-Da Yon - 跌打油 
Translate as  “fall hit oil”.  It is wintergreen oil based and has similar effects as Die-Da Jiu but it penetrates into the muscles and effective area faster and remain in your body longer than wine.
Whether you are a martial artist or an athlete, frequently injured or bruising in one area can create accumulations of stagnant qi and blood, which can lead to serious health problems as you age. Die-Da Jiu or Die-Da Yon can disperse these accumulations and promote a healthy body and longer career even the injured occurred long time ago, the Die-Da Yon or Jiu can still help to recover.

 Yee Trenh  M.S., L.AcLicensed Acupuncturist
Please contact Yee Trenh for further information.

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Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Clinic
- Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith
Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside, Washington

- Tender Rock Acupuncture Bellevue WA -
Tender Rock Acupuncture Bellevue WA | Looking for Acupuncture Bellevue WA? Tender Rock Counseling Center provides Acupuncture Bellevue WA and Mental Health counseling services in Bellevue, WA. Find professional and caring therapy with Christian Therapists for Acupuncture Bellevue WA and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue. Advice from a licensed therapist of Acupuncture Bellevue WA and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue (FAcupuncture Bellevue WAactoria)- please contact Tender Rock Counseling / Acupuncture Bellevue WA, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside, WA 98006. ( Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)
Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Clinic( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006, it’s a Christian Counseling Center, providers different types of Mental Health Counseling Services and Acupuncture Treatment by Christian Therapists and Christian Counselors. Our Counseling and Acupuncture therapy services include Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling, Interracial Marriage Counseling, Couples Counseling , Individual Counseling, Grief & Life Transition Counseling, Parenting Counseling, Relationship Counseling, Depression Treatment and Counseling, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Counseling, Abuse Counseling, Anxiety Counseling, Child Therapist (Children Counseling), Teens/ Adolescents, Adults, Elders Counseling, Trauma Counseling, Childhood Trauma Counseling, Adoption Counseling, Attachment Counseling, Autism Counseling, Stress Management Counseling, Acupuncture, Divorce Counseling, Sexual Abuse Counseling, Grief & Loss Counseling, Anxiety and Depression Counseling, Chinese American Counseling, Eating Disorder Treatment / Eating Disorders Counseling, Disordered Eating Counseling, Bulimia Counseling/ Anorexia Counseling, Self-Harming Counseling, ADHD Counseling, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Counseling, Suicide Counseling, Acupuncture Treatment (Pain Management, Naprapathy, Chinese Massage (Tui Na Massage), Herbal consultation) and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006.( Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith.)
Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle, WA 98006 is Christ-centered counseling center (Christian Counseling Center), although all the therapists associated with Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic share similar Christian values, they will provide services to people of all religions, ethnicities, genders, ages, and cultural backgrounds.
To schedule an appointment with Christian Therapists for Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture Treatment, or to obtain additional information about Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture, please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)
- Mental Health Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington -
Mental Health Counseling Jobs in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside Washington – Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington | Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic (Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith) job opening for Counselors / Therapists? Are you a professional Christian Counselor / Therapist? Welcome to join us – Tender Rock Counseling Jobs (Non-Profit Organization | Christian Counselors)

To schedule an appointment with Christian Therapists for Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture Bellevue WA, or to obtain additional information about Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture Bellevue WA, please contact Tender Rock Counseling / Acupuncture Bellevue WA / Factoria / Eastside, WA 98006. ( Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)
To schedule an appointment with Christian Therapists for Acupuncture Bellevue WA and Mental Health Counseling, or to obtain additional information about Acupuncture Bellevue WA and Mental Health Counseling services, please contact Tender Rock Counseling / Acupuncture Bellevue WA / Factoria / Eastside, WA 98006. ( Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)

Acupuncture Relieve Pain - New Research Gives Insight Into How Acupuncture May Relieve Pain

Acupuncture Relieve Pain

- New Research Gives Insight Into How Acupuncture May Relieve Pain

Acupuncture—an ancient healing practice that has shown promise in treating chronic pain—typically involves a period of active needle stimulation, followed by a longer period of rest. It appears that the analgesic (pain-relieving) effects of acupuncture may actually peak long after the active stimulation ends. In the first study of its kind, NCCAM-supported researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital, Logan College of Chiropractic, and Kyunghee University (Korea) evaluated the effects of acupuncture on brain activity following active stimulation.
The researchers used functional magnetic resonance imagery (fMRI) to monitor brain activity in 15 healthy adults before and after true acupuncture and sham acupuncture. The procedure lasted 150 seconds, and the rest period was 5.5 minutes. They also monitored heart rate and respiration and surveyed the subjects on their perception of pain and other sensations (such as deqi, unique sensations experienced in connection with acupuncture and considered to be signs of its effectiveness).
Analysis of the fMRI images showed that following true acupuncture—but not sham—there were increased connections among the parts of the brain involved in the perception and memory of pain. The subjects also reported stronger sensations with true acupuncture than with sham. The researchers conclude that acupuncture changes resting-state brain activity in ways that may account for its analgesic and other therapeutic effects.


~ Copy from National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) Web site.
Please contact Licensed Acupuncturist Yee Trenh M.S., L.Ac for further information.
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Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Clinic
- Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith
Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside, Washington

- Acupuncture Relieve Pain. New Research Gives Insight Into How Acupuncture May Relieve Pain -
Acupuncture Relieve Pain. New Research Gives Insight Into How Acupuncture May Relieve Pain | Have needs of Acupuncture Relieve Pain? Tender Rock Counseling Center provides Acupuncture Relieve Pain and Mental Health counseling services in Bellevue, WA. Find professional and caring Acupuncture Relieve Pain and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue. Advice from a licensed Acupuncturist.Acupuncture Relieve Pain in Bellevue (Factoria)- please contact Tender Rock Counseling, Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith.  please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Bellevue Acupuncture Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)
Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Clinic( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006, it’s a Christian Counseling Center, providers different types of Mental Health Counseling Services and Acupuncture Treatment by Christian Therapists and Christian Counselors. Our Counseling and Acupuncture therapy services include Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling, Interracial Marriage Counseling, Couples Counseling , Individual Counseling, Grief & Life Transition Counseling, Parenting Counseling, Relationship Counseling, Depression Treatment and Counseling, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Counseling, Abuse Counseling, Anxiety Counseling, Child Therapist (Children Counseling), Teens/ Adolescents, Adults, Elders Counseling, Trauma Counseling, Childhood Trauma Counseling, Adoption Counseling, Attachment Counseling, Autism Counseling, Stress Management Counseling, Acupuncture, Divorce Counseling, Sexual Abuse Counseling, Grief & Loss Counseling, Anxiety and Depression Counseling, Chinese American Counseling, Eating Disorder Treatment / Eating Disorders Counseling, Disordered Eating Counseling, Bulimia Counseling/ Anorexia Counseling, Self-Harming Counseling, ADHD Counseling, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Counseling, Suicide Counseling, Acupuncture Treatment (Pain Management, Naprapathy, Chinese Massage (Tui Na Massage), Herbal consultation) and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006.( Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith.)

Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle, WA 98006 is Christ-centered counseling center (Christian Counseling Center), although all the therapists associated with Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic share similar Christian values, they will provide services to people of all religions, ethnicities, genders, ages, and cultural backgrounds.

To schedule an appointment with Christian Therapists for Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture Treatment, or to obtain additional information about Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture, please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Bellevue Acupuncture Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)
- Mental Health Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington -
Mental Health Counseling Jobs in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside Washington - Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington | Tender Rock Counseling Center & Bellevue Acupuncture Clinic (Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith) job opening for Counselors / Therapists? Are you a professional Christian Counselor / Therapist? Welcome to join us – Tender Rock Counseling Jobs (Non-Profit Organization | Christian Counselors)
To schedule an appointment with Christian Therapists  for Acupuncture Relieve Pain, or to obtain additional information about Acupuncture Relieve Pain, please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Bellevue Acupuncture Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)

Acupuncture for Headache. What the Science Says About the Effectiveness?

 Acupuncture for Headache. What the Science Says About the Effectiveness?

Results from a number of studies suggest that acupuncture may help ease types of pain that are often chronic such as low-back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritis/knee pain. It also may help reduce the frequency of tension headaches and prevent migraine headaches. Therefore, acupuncture appears to be a reasonable option for people with chronic pain to consider. However, clinical practice guidelines are inconsistent in recommendations about acupuncture. The effects of acupuncture on the brain and body and how best to measure them are only beginning to be understood. Current evidence suggests that many factors—like expectation and belief—that are unrelated to acupuncture needling may play important roles in the beneficial effects of acupuncture on pain.

Read more about acupuncture for these pain conditions and others:

- Acupuncture For Headache -

  • A 2012 analysis of data on individual participants in acupuncture studies looked at migraine and tension headaches. The analysis showed that actual acupuncture was more effective than either no acupuncture or simulated acupuncture in reducing headache frequency or severity.
  • A 2009 systematic review of studies concluded that actual acupuncture, compared with simulated acupuncture or pain-relieving drugs, helped people with tension-type headaches. A 2008 systematic review of studies suggested that actual acupuncture has a very slight advantage over simulated acupuncture in reducing tension-type headache intensity and the number of headache days per month.
  • A 2009 systematic review found that adding acupuncture to basic care for migraines helped to reduce migraine frequency. However, in studies that compared actual acupuncture with simulated acupuncture, researchers found that the differences between the two treatments may have been due to chance
~ Copy from National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) Web site.

Please contact Licensed Acupuncturist Yee Trenh M.S., L.Ac for further information.

More resources: 

More resources:

Like FB (200x72)
Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Clinic
- Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith
Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside, Washington

- Mental Health Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington -
Mental Health Counseling Jobs in Bellevue Washington – Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington | Tender Rock Counseling ( Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) job opening for Counselors : Are you a professional Christian Counselor / Therapist? Welcome to join us – Tender Rock Counseling Jobs ( Non Profit Organization | Christian Counselors )

- Acupuncture for Headache. What the Science Says About the Effectiveness?-
Acupuncture for Headache | Have needs of Acupuncture for Headache? Tender Rock Counseling Center provides Acupuncture for Headache and Mental Health counseling services in Bellevue, WA. Find professional and caring Acupuncture for Headache and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue. Advice from a licensed Acupuncturist. Acupuncture for Headache in Bellevue (Factoria)-Contact with Tender Rock Counseling & Acupuncture
Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Clinic( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006, it’s a Christian Counseling Center, providers different types of Mental Health Counseling Services and Acupuncture Treatment by Christian Therapists and Christian Counselors. Our Counseling and Acupuncture therapy services include Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling, Interracial Marriage Counseling, Couples Counseling , Individual Counseling, Grief & Life Transition Counseling, Parenting Counseling, Relationship Counseling, Depression Treatment and Counseling, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Counseling, Abuse Counseling, Anxiety Counseling, Child Therapist (Children Counseling), Teens/ Adolescents, Adults, Elders Counseling, Trauma Counseling, Childhood Trauma Counseling, Adoption Counseling, Attachment Counseling, Autism Counseling, Stress Management Counseling, Acupuncture, Divorce Counseling, Sexual Abuse Counseling, Grief & Loss Counseling, Anxiety and Depression Counseling, Chinese American Counseling, Eating Disorder Treatment / Eating Disorders Counseling, Disordered Eating Counseling, Bulimia Counseling/ Anorexia Counseling, Self-Harming Counseling, ADHD Counseling, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Counseling, Suicide Counseling, Acupuncture Treatment (Pain Management, Naprapathy, Chinese Massage (Tui Na Massage), Herbal consultation) and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006.( Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith.)

Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle, WA 98006 is Christ-centered counseling center (Christian Counseling Center), although all the therapists associated with Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic share similar Christian values, they will provide services to people of all religions, ethnicities, genders, ages, and cultural backgrounds.

To schedule an appointment with Christian Therapists for Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture Treatment, or to obtain additional information about Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture, please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Bellevue Acupuncture Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)

- Mental Health Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington -
Mental Health Counseling Jobs in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside Washington - Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington | Tender Rock Counseling Center & Bellevue Acupuncture Clinic (Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith) job opening for Counselors / Therapists? Are you a professional Christian Counselor / Therapist? Welcome to join us – Tender Rock Counseling Jobs (Non-Profit Organization | Christian Counselors)
To schedule an appointment with Christian Therapists  for Acupuncture for Headache, or to obtain additional information about Acupuncture for Headache, please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Bellevue Acupuncture Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Christian Faith Counselors | Non Profit Organization - The Tender Rock Counseling, Bellevue WA

Christian Faith Counselors | Non Profit Organization

- The Tender Rock Counseling, Bellevue WA

christian faith - Christian Counseling in Bellevue WA- Need Christian Counselors? Christian Counselors in Bellevue, WA. Find professional and caring Christian Counselors in Bellevue. Advice from a licensed Christian counselors in Factoria- Tender Rock Counseling Center.Tender Rock Counseling was established in October 2011 by Mark Liu, M.A., Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT).  Mark’s vision was to create a Non Profit Organization 501(c)(3)  to be staffed by mental health and medical health professionals from varying backgrounds and specialties who all embrace a Christ-centered worldview and are committed to make constant efforts to integrate its services with research and training  in order to provide clients with effective counseling services.  His hope for Tender Rock Counseling was to become a specialty-oriented, multidisciplinary team-based and outcome-based counseling clinic (“Clinic”) to serve the community and to create an Assisted Fee Clinic, which will operate side by side with the Clinic, to serve specifically low-income clients.
We would like to hear from you about your ideas and suggestions. Soon, we also will invite people from the community to serve on our board of directors. Please join us in serving our community.

Mission Statement

Christian Faith Counselors | Non Profit Organization | Tender Rock Counseling Center in Bellevue WA, provides services about Marriage counseling, Family counseling, Interracial Marriage counseling, Couples Counseling , Grief Counseling, Parenting Counseling, Christian Counseling, Relationship Counseling, Depression Counseling, PTSD Counseling, Abuse Counseling, Anxiety Counseling, Child ( Children ) Counseling, Trauma ( Childhood Trauma ) Counseling, Adoption Counseling, Attachment Counseling, Autism Counseling, Stress Management counseling, Divorce Counseling, Sexual Abuse Counseling, Chinese American counseling, Eating Disorders Counseling, Disordered Eating Counseling, Bulimia Counseling and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue / Factoria, WA 98006. Christian Faith Counselors | Non Profit Organization Christian Faith Counselors | Non Profit Organization | Tender Rock Counseling Center in Bellevue WA, provides services about Marriage counseling, Family counseling, Interracial Marriage counseling, Couples Counseling , Grief Counseling, Parenting Counseling, Christian Counseling, Relationship Counseling, Depression Counseling, PTSD Counseling, Abuse Counseling, Anxiety Counseling, Child ( Children ) Counseling, Trauma ( Childhood Trauma ) Counseling, Adoption Counseling, Attachment Counseling, Autism Counseling, Stress Management counseling, Divorce Counseling, Sexual Abuse Counseling, Chinese American counseling, Eating Disorders Counseling, Disordered Eating Counseling, Bulimia Counseling and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue / Factoria, WA 98006. Christian Faith Counselors | Non Profit OrganizationUnderstanding God’s mighty power, unimaginable love and unbearable pain and sorrow for the people he created and understanding the deep thirst of people, we seek to act as a conduit of Christ’s love, compassion, and care, with a spirit of inclusion to people of all religions, ethnicities, genders, ages, and cultural backgrounds who seek out our counseling services.

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    Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Clinic
    - Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith
    Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside, Washington

    - Mental Health Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington -
    Mental Health Counseling Jobs in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside Washington - Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington | Tender Rock Counseling / Acupuncture ( Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) job opening for Counselors : Are you a professional Christian Counselor / Therapist? Welcome to join us – Tender Rock Counseling Jobs ( Non Profit Organization | Christian Counselors )

    - Christian Faith Counselors | Non Profit Organization – The Tender Rock Counseling Bellevue WA -
    Christian Faith Counselors | Non Profit Organization - The Tender Rock Counseling Bellevue WA | Mental Health Counseling and Psychotherapy Services – Have Mental Health Counseling and Psychotherapy Services needs? Tender Rock Counseling Center ( Christian Faith Counselors | Non Profit Organization ) providers different types of Mental Health Counseling and Psychotherapy services in Bellevue, WA.

    Tender Rock Counseling / Acupuncture Center ( Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside WA 98006, providers different types of Mental Health Counseling and Acupuncture Treatment by Christian Therapists: Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling, Interracial Marriage Counseling, Couples Counseling , Grief & Life Transition Counseling, Parenting Counseling, Christian Counseling, Relationship Counseling, Depression Counseling, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Counseling, Abuse Counseling, Anxiety Counseling, Child (Children), Teens/ Adolescents, Adults, Elders Counseling, Trauma ( Childhood Trauma ) Counseling, Adoption Counseling, Attachment Counseling, Autism Counseling, Stress Management Counseling, Divorce Counseling, Sexual Abuse Counseling, Grief & Loss Counseling, Anxiety and Depression Counseling, Chinese American Counseling, Eating Disorders Counseling, Disordered Eating Counseling, Bulimia/ Anorexia Counseling, Self-Harming Counseling, ADHD Counseling, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Counseling, Suicide Counseling, Acupuncture (Pain Management , Naprapathy, Chinese Massage (Tui Na Massage), Herbal consultation) and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside, WA 98006.( Tender Rock Counseling / Acupuncture, Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith.)

    Tender Rock Counseling / Acupuncture Center ( Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside, WA 98006 is Christ-centered counseling center, although all the therapists associated with Tender Rock Counseling / Acupuncture Center share similar Christian values, they will provide services to people of all religions, ethnicities, genders, ages, and cultural backgrounds.

    To schedule an appointment with Christian Therapists for Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture Treatment, or to obtain additional information about Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture, please contact Tender Rock Counseling / Acupuncture, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside, WA 98006. ( Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)

    Monday, April 13, 2015

    Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis /Knee Pain. What the Science Says About the Effectiveness?

    Combining Counseling / Psychotherapy and Acupuncture - Tender Rock Acupuncture Treatment Bellevue - Acupuncture Treatment- Need Acupuncture Treatment in Bellevue WA? Find professional Acupuncture Treatment & Chinese Massage, contact Tender Rock Acupuncture

    Results from a number of studies suggest that acupuncture may help ease types of pain that are often chronic such as low-back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritis/knee pain. It also may help reduce the frequency of tension headaches and prevent migraine headaches. Therefore, acupuncture appears to be a reasonable option for people with chronic pain to consider. However, clinical practice guidelines are inconsistent in recommendations about acupuncture. The effects of acupuncture on the brain and body and how best to measure them are only beginning to be understood. Current evidence suggests that many factors—like expectation and belief—that are unrelated to acupuncture needling may play important roles in the beneficial effects of acupuncture on pain.

    - Acupuncture For Osteoarthritis /Knee Pain -

    • A 2014 Australian clinical study involving 282 men and women showed that needle and laser acupuncture were modestly better at relieving knee pain from osteoarthritis than no treatment, but not better than simulated (sham) laser acupuncture. Participants received 8 to 12 actual and simulated acupuncture treatments over 12 weeks. These results are generally consistent with previous studies, which showed that acupuncture is consistently better than no treatment but not necessarily better than simulated acupuncture at relieving osteoarthritis pain.
    • A major 2012 analysis of data on participants in acupuncture studies found that actual acupuncture was more helpful for osteoarthritis pain than simulated acupuncture or no acupuncture.
    • A 2010 systematic review of studies of acupuncture for knee or hip osteoarthritis concluded that actual acupuncture was more helpful for osteoarthritis pain than either simulated acupuncture or no acupuncture. However, the difference between actual and simulated acupuncture was very small, while the difference between acupuncture and no acupuncture was large.

    References: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)
    Please contact Licensed Acupuncturist Yee Trenh M.S., L.Ac for further information.

    More resources:

    Like FB (200x72)
    Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Clinic
    - Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith
    Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside, Washington

    - Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis /Knee Pain. What the Science Says About the Effectiveness?-Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis /Knee Pain | Have needs of Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis /Knee Pain? Tender Rock Counseling Center provides Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis /Knee Pain and Mental Health counseling services in Bellevue, WA. Find professional and caring Acupuncture for  Osteoarthritis /Knee Pain and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue. Advice from a licensed Acupuncturist. Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis /Knee Pain in Bellevue (Factoria)- please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Clinic( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006, it’s a Christian Counseling Center, providers different types of Mental Health Counseling Services and Acupuncture Treatment by Christian Therapists and Christian Counselors. Our Counseling and Acupuncture therapy services include Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling, Interracial Marriage Counseling, Couples Counseling , Individual Counseling, Grief & Life Transition Counseling, Parenting Counseling, Relationship Counseling, Depression Treatment and Counseling, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Counseling, Abuse Counseling, Anxiety Counseling, Child Therapist (Children Counseling), Teens/ Adolescents, Adults, Elders Counseling, Trauma Counseling, Childhood Trauma Counseling, Adoption Counseling, Attachment Counseling, Autism Counseling, Stress Management Counseling, Acupuncture, Divorce Counseling, Sexual Abuse Counseling, Grief & Loss Counseling, Anxiety and Depression Counseling, Chinese American Counseling, Eating Disorder Treatment / Eating Disorders Counseling, Disordered Eating Counseling, Bulimia Counseling/ Anorexia Counseling, Self-Harming Counseling, ADHD Counseling, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Counseling, Suicide Counseling, Acupuncture Treatment (Pain Management, Naprapathy, Chinese Massage (Tui Na Massage), Herbal consultation) and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006.( Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith.)Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle, WA 98006 is Christ-centered counseling center (Christian Counseling Center), although all the therapists associated with Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic share similar Christian values, they will provide services to people of all religions, ethnicities, genders, ages, and cultural backgrounds.To schedule an appointment with Christian Therapists for Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture Treatment, or to obtain additional information about Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture, please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)
    - Mental Health Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington -
    Mental Health Counseling Jobs in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside Washington - Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington | Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic (Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith) job opening for Counselors / Therapists? Are you a professional Christian Counselor / Therapist? Welcome to join us – Tender Rock Counseling Jobs (Non-Profit Organization | Christian Counselors)
    To schedule an appointment with Christian Therapists  for Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis /Knee Pain, or to obtain additional information about Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis /Knee Pain, please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)

    Mental Health Counseling Services in Bellevue WA


    Mental Health Counseling Services Bellevue WA- Tender Rock Counseling Center in Bellevue WA, provides services about Marriage counseling, Family counseling, Interracial Marriage counseling, Couples Counseling , Grief Counseling, Parenting Counseling, Christian Counseling, Relationship Counseling, Depression Counseling, PTSD Counseling, Abuse Counseling, Anxiety Counseling, Child Counseling, Trauma Counseling and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue (Factoria), WA 98006 Mental Health Counseling Services Bellevue WA- Tender Rock Counseling Center in Bellevue WA, provides services about Marriage counseling, Family counseling, Interracial Marriage counseling, Couples Counseling , Grief Counseling, Parenting Counseling, Christian Counseling, Relationship Counseling, Depression Counseling, PTSD Counseling, Abuse Counseling, Anxiety Counseling, Child Counseling, Trauma Counseling and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue (Factoria), WA 98006

    Tender Rock Counseling Center providers different types of Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture Treatment : 

    Practice Areas

    • Anxiety and depression counseling service
    • Adolescent behavioral issues counseling
    • Couples/ Marriage relationship counseling service
    • Trauma (sexual, physical and emotional) counseling service
    • Personality Issues counseling
    • Communication and relational issues counseling
    • Family counseling service (including blended family)
    • Parenting coaching/ counseling service
    • Child and adolescent counseling services
    • Grief and life transition counseling service
    • PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) counseling service
    • Children Autism, Asperger & ADHD counseling service
    • Eating disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia, and disordered eating) counseling service
    • Sexual abuse counseling
    • Acupuncture & Pain Management (Naprapathy & Massage Therapy)


    • Mindfulness-based anxiety management
    • Adult women sexually abused in childhood
    • Child, adolescent and adult trauma
    • Child, adolescent attachment-related issues
    • Post adoption child & family therapy
    • Animal assisted play therapy
    • Expressive therapy
    • Foster care transition child & family therapy
    • Couple/ Marriage relationship counseling service
    • Interracial marriage/couple counseling service
    • Hypnotherapy (Hypnosis) counseling service
    • Children adoption-related issues
    • Acupuncture & Pain Management (Naprapathy & Massage Therapy)
    Original website:

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      Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Clinic
      - Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith
      Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside, Washington

      - Mental Health Counseling Services and Acupuncture Treatment  in Bellevue WA-
      Mental Health Counseling Services – Have Mental Health Counseling Services needs? Tender Rock Counseling Center providers different types of Mental Health Counseling services in Bellevue, WA.

      Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Clinic( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006, providers different types of Mental Health Counseling Services and Acupuncture Treatment by Christian Therapists and Christian Counselors. Our Counseling and Acupuncture therapy services include Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling, Interracial Marriage Counseling, Couples Counseling , Individual Counseling, Grief & Life Transition Counseling, Parenting Counseling, Relationship Counseling, Depression Treatment and Counseling, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Counseling, Abuse Counseling, Anxiety Counseling, Child Therapist (Children Counseling), Teens/ Adolescents, Adults, Elders Counseling, Trauma Counseling, Childhood Trauma Counseling, Adoption Counseling, Attachment Counseling, Autism Counseling, Stress Management Counseling, Acupuncture, Divorce Counseling, Sexual Abuse Counseling, Grief & Loss Counseling, Anxiety and Depression Counseling, Chinese American Counseling, Eating Disorder Treatment / Eating Disorders Counseling, Disordered Eating Counseling, Bulimia Counseling/ Anorexia Counseling, Self-Harming Counseling, ADHD Counseling, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Counseling, Suicide Counseling, Acupuncture Treatment (Pain Management, Naprapathy, Chinese Massage (Tui Na Massage), Herbal consultation) and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006.( Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith.)

      Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle, WA 98006 is Christ-centered counseling center, although all the therapists associated with Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic share similar Christian values, they will provide services to people of all religions, ethnicities, genders, ages, and cultural backgrounds.
      To schedule an appointment with Christian Therapists for Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture Treatment, or to obtain additional information about Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture, please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)

      - Mental Health Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington -
      Mental Health Counseling Jobs in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside Washington – Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington | Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic (Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith) job opening for Counselors / Therapists? Are you a professional Christian Counselor / Therapist? Welcome to join us – Tender Rock Counseling Jobs (Non-Profit Organization | Christian Counselors)

      To schedule an appointment for Mental Health Counseling Services, or to obtain additional information about Mental Health Counseling services, please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)

      Acupuncture for Low-Back Pain. What the Science Says About the Effectiveness?


      Combining Counseling / Psychotherapy and Acupuncture - Tender Rock Acupuncture Treatment Bellevue - Acupuncture Treatment- Need Acupuncture Treatment in Bellevue WA? Find professional Acupuncture Treatment & Chinese Massage, contact Tender Rock AcupunctureResults from a number of studies suggest that acupuncture may help ease types of pain that are often chronic such as low-back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritis/knee pain. It also may help reduce the frequency of tension headaches and prevent migraine headaches. Therefore, acupuncture appears to be a reasonable option for people with chronic pain to consider. However, clinical practice guidelines are inconsistent in recommendations about acupuncture.
      The effects of acupuncture on the brain and body and how best to measure them are only beginning to be understood. Current evidence suggests that many factors—like expectation and belief—that are unrelated to acupuncture needling may play important roles in the beneficial effects of acupuncture on pain.
      Read more about acupuncture for these pain conditions and others:

      Acupuncture For Low-Back Pain -

      • A 2012 analysis of data on participants in acupuncture studies looked at back and neck pain together and found that actual acupuncture was more helpful than either no acupuncture or simulated acupuncture.
      • A 2010 review by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality found that acupuncture relieved low-back pain immediately after treatment but not over longer periods of time.
      • A 2008 systematic review of studies on acupuncture for low-back pain found strong evidence that combining acupuncture with usual care helps more than usual care alone. The same review also found strong evidence that there is no difference between the effects of actual and simulated acupuncture in people with low-back pain.
      • Clinical practice guidelines issued by the American Pain Society and the American College of Physicians in 2007 recommend acupuncture as one of several nondrug approaches physicians should consider when patients with chronic low-back pain do not respond to self-care (practices that people can do by themselves, such as remaining active, applying heat, and taking pain-relieving medications).
      National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)

      For further information, please contact Licensed Acupuncturist Yee Trenh M.S., L.Ac .
        Like FB (200x72)
      Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Clinic
      - Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith
      Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside, Washington
      - Acupuncture For Low-Back Pain. What the Science Says About the Effectiveness? -

      Acupuncture For Low-Back Pain| Have Acupuncture For Low-Back Pain needs? Tender Rock Counseling Center  ( Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) provides Acupuncture and Mental Health counseling services in Bellevue, WA. Find professional and caring Acupuncture For Low-Back Pain and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue. Advice from a licensed Acupuncturist. Acupuncture For Low-Back Pain in Bellevue (Factoria)- please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)
      Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Clinic( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006, it’s a Christian Counseling Center, providers different types of Mental Health Counseling Services and Acupuncture Treatment by Christian Therapists and Christian Counselors. Our Counseling and Acupuncture therapy services include Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling, Interracial Marriage Counseling, Couples Counseling , Individual Counseling, Grief & Life Transition Counseling, Parenting Counseling, Relationship Counseling, Depression Treatment and Counseling, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Counseling, Abuse Counseling, Anxiety Counseling, Child Therapist (Children Counseling), Teens/ Adolescents, Adults, Elders Counseling, Trauma Counseling, Childhood Trauma Counseling, Adoption Counseling, Attachment Counseling, Autism Counseling, Stress Management Counseling, Acupuncture, Divorce Counseling, Sexual Abuse Counseling, Grief & Loss Counseling, Anxiety and Depression Counseling, Chinese American Counseling, Eating Disorder Treatment / Eating Disorders Counseling, Disordered Eating Counseling, Bulimia Counseling/ Anorexia Counseling, Self-Harming Counseling, ADHD Counseling, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Counseling, Suicide Counseling, Acupuncture Treatment (Pain Management, Naprapathy, Chinese Massage (Tui Na Massage), Herbal consultation) and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006.( Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith.)

      Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle, WA 98006 is Christ-centered counseling center (Christian Counseling Center), although all the therapists associated with Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic share similar Christian values, they will provide services to people of all religions, ethnicities, genders, ages, and cultural backgrounds.

      To schedule an appointment with Christian Therapists for Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture Treatment, or to obtain additional information about Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture, please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)

      - Mental Health Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington -
      Mental Health Counseling Jobs in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside Washington - Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington | Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic (Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith) job opening for Counselors / Therapists? Are you a professional Christian Counselor / Therapist? Welcome to join us – Tender Rock Counseling Jobs (Non-Profit Organization | Christian Counselors)

      To schedule an appointment Christian Therapists for Acupuncture For Low-Back Pain, or to obtain additional information about Acupuncture For Low-Back Pain or Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith , please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)

      Acupuncture for Neck Pain. What the Science Says About the Effectiveness?

      Acupuncture for Neck Pain- Need Treatment of Acupuncture for Neck Pain in Bellevue WA? Find professional Acupuncture for Neck Pain & Chinese Massage, contact Tender Rock AcupunctureResults from a number of studies suggest that acupuncture may help ease types of pain that are often chronic such as low-back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritis/knee pain. It also may help reduce the frequency of tension headaches and prevent migraine headaches. Therefore, acupuncture appears to be a reasonable option for people with chronic pain to consider. However, clinical practice guidelines are inconsistent in recommendations about acupuncture.

      The effects of acupuncture on the brain and body and how best to measure them are only beginning to be understood. Current evidence suggests that many factors—like expectation and belief—that are unrelated to acupuncture needling may play important roles in the beneficial effects of acupuncture on pain.

      Read more about acupuncture for these pain conditions and others:

      - Acupuncture For Neck Pain -

      • A 2014 Australian clinical study involving 282 men and women showed that needle and laser acupuncture were modestly better at relieving knee pain from osteoarthritis than no treatment, but not better than simulated (sham) laser acupuncture. Participants received 8 to 12 actual and simulated acupuncture treatments over 12 weeks. These results are generally consistent with previous studies, which showed that acupuncture is consistently better than no treatment but not necessarily better than simulated acupuncture at relieving osteoarthritis pain.
      • A 2009 analysis found that actual acupuncture was more helpful for neck pain than simulated acupuncture, but the analysis was based on a small amount of evidence (only three studies with small study populations).
      • A large German study with more than 14,000 participants evaluated adding acupuncture to usual care for neck pain. The researchers found that participants reported greater pain relief than those who didn’t receive it; the researchers didn’t test actual acupuncture against simulated acupuncture.
      ~ Copy from National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) Web site.

      Please contact Licensed Acupuncturist Yee Trenh M.S., L.Ac for further information.
      Updated information:

      More resources:

      Like FB (200x72)
      Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Clinic
      - Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith
      Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside, Washington

      - Acupuncture for Neck Pain. What the Science Says About the Effectiveness? -
      Acupuncture for Neck Pain | Have Acupuncture for Neck Pain needs? Tender Rock Counseling Center provides Acupuncture and Mental Health counseling services in Bellevue, WA. Find professional and caring Acupuncture for Neck Pain and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue. Advice from a licensed Acupuncturist. Acupuncture for Neck Pain in Bellevue (Factoria)- please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)
      Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Clinic( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006, it’s a Christian Counseling Center, providers different types of Mental Health Counseling Services and Acupuncture Treatment by Christian Therapists and Christian Counselors. Our Counseling and Acupuncture therapy services include Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling, Interracial Marriage Counseling, Couples Counseling , Individual Counseling, Grief & Life Transition Counseling, Parenting Counseling, Relationship Counseling, Depression Treatment and Counseling, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Counseling, Abuse Counseling, Anxiety Counseling, Child Therapist (Children Counseling), Teens/ Adolescents, Adults, Elders Counseling, Trauma Counseling, Childhood Trauma Counseling, Adoption Counseling, Attachment Counseling, Autism Counseling, Stress Management Counseling, Acupuncture, Divorce Counseling, Sexual Abuse Counseling, Grief & Loss Counseling, Anxiety and Depression Counseling, Chinese American Counseling, Eating Disorder Treatment / Eating Disorders Counseling, Disordered Eating Counseling, Bulimia Counseling/ Anorexia Counseling, Self-Harming Counseling, ADHD Counseling, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Counseling, Suicide Counseling, Acupuncture Treatment (Pain Management, Naprapathy, Chinese Massage (Tui Na Massage), Herbal consultation) and Mental Health Counseling in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006.( Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith.)

      Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith ) in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle, WA 98006 is Christ-centered counseling center (Christian Counseling Center), although all the therapists associated with Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic share similar Christian values, they will provide services to people of all religions, ethnicities, genders, ages, and cultural backgrounds.

      To schedule an appointment with Christian Therapists for Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture Treatment, or to obtain additional information about Mental Health Counseling services and Acupuncture, please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)

      - Mental Health Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington -
      Mental Health Counseling Jobs in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside Washington - Counselor Jobs, Employment in Washington | Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic (Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith) job opening for Counselors / Therapists? Are you a professional Christian Counselor / Therapist? Welcome to join us – Tender Rock Counseling Jobs (Non-Profit Organization | Christian Counselors)

      To schedule an appointment with Christian Therapists  for Acupuncture for Neck Pain-Back Pain, or to obtain additional information about Acupuncture for Neck Pain, please contact Tender Rock Counseling Center & Acupuncture Bellevue Clinic, in Bellevue / Factoria / Eastside / Seattle WA 98006. ( Non-Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith)